Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Things are looking up this Fall!

The Journey Continues...

After surviving all the stress and turmoil of DISNEY/PIXAR basically stealing my Beast World setting, I got my act together, published and had a stupendous launch of my sixth book, WINDY HOLLOW! The campaign went splendidly this Summer with lots of new followers and friends. And, it's been well-received, with smashing reviews, like this latest review of the entire Beast World Series (so far) at Pen and Paper. I plan on promoting the Beast World series again when their movie comes out in March. I really appreciate all the support! Let's hear it for the little guys!

With the Holidays just around the corner, I'm excited to have a couple of events in November. But I'm running out of books! I have to get Pop Travel back up and printing by the end of October. And soon after, Broken Branch Falls, hopefully by the end of the year. It can be done. And since I'm doing it myself, it WILL be done! Gotta stay positive!



After recently moving, I found the cutest bookstore. Mulberry Street Books in Lebanon, OH.
And I was right! It was officially named one of the coziest bookstores in Ohio!
The best part: I was able to do a signing there -- which went very well! I met some great folks and sold a bunch of books. Thoroughly enjoyed it and looking forward to more!

They not only promote authors and sell books, but they promote other crafts and classes related to all things bookish or creative. And they brew coffee and sell yummy treats.
I got this adorable handmade ipad cozy while I was there:

Another event I'm excited about is a weekly twitter chat that I started while I was promoting the release of WINDY HOLLOW.
It's called #WEDWRANT -- a midweek gathering of writers/creatives who get together to rant, encourage, and have a few laughs. There's a regular group of us, and we welcome anyone who'd like to join in.


Where I answer commonly asked questions and pass on writerly advice... lately, sharing questions from one of my sweetest fans on Goodreads, she's awesome!

BookwormNerd: What is the most difficult thing about writing about the opposite gender?

Answer: Since I have three sons, writing the opposite gender is not that difficult for me. Though there are gender differences, they are aren’t that important most of the time. Personality is what you want to capture when you’re writing.

My Advice: I know female leads seem under-represented, but I think we are more complicated and harder to write! I recommend writing the characters that come to you. Don't force a female if a male is what comes to mind and vice/versa. I try to keep an equal balance in my books, but males come easier to me. That's one reason I started my Un-Princess series, where the girls are in charge!


What I'm Reading...
  • I'm in the midst of an ARC of NOT GUILTY by C. Lee McKenzie. It's about a teenage boy with high future hopes that are dashed when he becomes the prime suspect in an attempted murder case. It's full of raw emotions he has to deal with, turning his world upside-down. I hope it's got a happy ending!
  • Since I've got a deadline, I have to pause reading anything else for the moment.
What I'm Writing...
  • I've also paused FARTHER ALONG - though I got some great feedback from my beta readers and another artist working on a cover sketch, but...
  • I have to get POP TRAVEL and BROKEN BRANCH FALLS re-published ASAP. I have events coming up!
  • Also on hold, GERTRUDE (the Nerdy Princess) UnPrincess novella #4 - Hoping for a February release.
  • As soon as I get my previous novels re-published, CONDUCTION, the 4th POP TRAVEL novel is ready for typing. The gang is working on a new method of data storage - in your body! But does that mean someone can control you with the right frequency??
  • BEAST WORLD #4 is still in the works, and will hopefully be written up soon... this one stars Gabe's sister Ginny!
Where I'll be...
  • No book events, but I'll be busy working to get Pop Travel re-published! So much to do!
  • 11/2/19 - 11am-3pm - Gratitude Crop vendor event, Hilton Garden Holiday Inn, Cincinnati. Looking forward to selling some books. I just hope I don't buy more than I sell!
  • 11/9/19 - all day - Girls Night Out - Local Author Expo at  Mulberry Street Books in Lebanon, OH. A sidewalk sale extravaganza!

  • Family will be coming to town - gotta deck them halls!

This fall will be colorful and eventful!
Hope you enjoy every moment!


If you like to read, tweet, and help others--join my STREET TEAM! I treat my team for offering their services and time to sneak peeks, and special swag. Please fill out this FORM if you're interested.




Monday, July 1, 2019

Summer of Dreams!


If you want something done right, do it yourself! 
So I did. I took my rights back and published Windy Hollow!

Beast World MG Fantasy Series, book #3
by Tara Tyler
Available NOW!

In BROKEN BRANCH FALLS, Gabe and his friends go on a quest to save their school, blowing up all the rules, and discover their origins.

Then they go to CRADLE ROCK and meet some real live humans, scaring them into attack mode. The Beasts realize they have to spread the truth ASAP.

Now, school's out, and Gabe is ready for a break from all the drama...

Gabe and his friends fly over the Great Sea for the wedding of the century: a dragon prince and a beautiful harpy. But Gabe can't relax on this vacation. Besides competing in rigorous wedding events, he overhears the nearby human village WINDY HOLLOW is in danger from an evil human scientist and a vengeful were-ogre experimenting on beasts. Gabe and his friends risk crossing the mountains to help, despite several warnings. 

Maybe he's going too far this time, but he's in too deep to quit. It's do or die, hopefully not die!

I've been busy writing fun and informative posts on writing and other entertaining summer stuff... and with the help of some friends, we've been spreading the news about WINDY HOLLOW's long-awaited release! Stop by if you have time.

6/20 - Heather Holden - Reverse Interview, How does she Create such Awesome Art?
6/22 - Ellen Jacobson - Interview with some surprising questions!
6/24 - Patricia Lynne - Keeping Magic Alive
6/26 - MJ Fifield - Fantasy World-Building
6/30 - SA Larsen - Special Newsletter & a Vlog?!
7/1 - My IWSG post on Marketing with updates and a Special Guest!
7/3 - Alex J. Cavanaugh - IWSG Day - Fantasy Movies
7/4 - Tonja Drecker - Independence Day! - Kids in Books
7/8 - Christine Rains - Levels of Romance
7/10 - Heather M. Gardner - Binge Watching TV
7/15 - Tyrean Martinson - Hiking!
7/17 - Julie Flanders - Gotta Have Friends
*7/22 - Juneta Key - Surprise Post! (she doesn't even know what it's about yet!)

And of course, there's a giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway



Sadly, with my publisher going incognito, I can't get a good supply of books to sell at events. I had to cancel one of my favorite go-to's Ohioana. They tried to work with me to get books, too. 
I'll be back next year!

But I won't be out for long. I am planning to re-publish my books on my own.Those older books could all use a tune-up anyway. I'll just have a refurbished party like those home shows!

And I have been getting out... I was able to visit fellow author and critique partner,
Christine Rains!


Where I answer commonly asked questions and pass on writerly advice... lately, sharing questions from one of my newest fans on Goodreads, she's awesome!

BookwormNerdWhat are your hardest scenes to write?

Answer: The hardest scenes for me to write in any of my books are battle scenes or fight scenes — they’re hard to describe.

My Advice: There's so much going on at a fast pace. Sometimes I act the scene out. I like to know what someone would really do if faced with a fight scene. What would be real reactions for the characters? It's tough to write these descriptive scenes and keep the intensity. Another technique is to write short sentences to show forcefulness and quick motions. You should also build up suspense before the action with a little stalking or taunting dialog, which can be spoken or internal.


What I'm Reading...
  • Just finished SECOND NATURE by M.J. Fifield. Tremendous series! Reminds me of Game of Thrones -- and just like J.R.R. Martin, this genius takes her time putting her masterpieces together, so I have to wait a while for the 3rd book! 5 stars
  • Which means I need more to read for the rest of the summer! I just picked up MURDER AT THE MARINA, a cozy mystery by Ellen Jacobson. I plan to read more, since her third one just released!
  • Also going to finally read WICKED BUSINESS by one of my all time faves, Janet Evanovich
What I'm Writing...
  • FARTHER ALONG - is finally with my beta readers! Looking forward to hearing their thoughts.
  • REWORKING my previous novels for RE-PUBLICATION! This is a tough task... We'll see how it goes.
  • That means these future books are on hold during my transition...
  • GERTRUDE (the Nerdy Princess) UnPrincess novella #4 - I've recruited a special artist for the cover!
  • CONDUCTION, the 4th POP TRAVEL novel - a new method of data storage in your body! But does that mean someone can control you with the right frequency??
  • BEAST WORLD #4 is still in the works. But a shocking revelation has come to my attention, and I've had to deal with it... More news on that next time...
Where I'll be...

  • Lots of travel with baseball and summer vacationing -- I get to see friends in every city!
  • I'll be preparing for my new teaching job -- once I'm back into a groove, I'll be able to do more writing stuff!

  • 9/21/19 - 2pm - BOOK TALK and SIGNING, WINDY HOLLOW RELEASE PARTY! at my local Mulberry Street Bookstore in Lebanon, Ohio! Very excited and a little anxious - I hope I have enough books!

Baseball is in full swing!
Try to stay cool this summer!


If you like to read, tweet, and help others--join my STREET TEAM! I treat my team for offering their services and time to sneak peeks, and special swag. Please fill out this FORM if you're interested.




Monday, April 1, 2019

The Bumpy Journey of Publishing

Patience Pays Off
Beast World - Book 3

The saga of publishing my 6th book... and beyond!
I am so excited to finally have a magnificent cover for WINDY HOLLOW! It's been so hard waiting to hear from my publisher. They have downsized and are changing their business model (not great phrases to hear) Each time they finally respond, I get my hopes up, then they fall again when weeks go by with no news or progress updates. I've had to hound them. I eventually had to pay for the cover  myself--but it was worth it to keep the same talented artist (Ricky Gunawan) from the first two books. This also shows you what shape my publisher is in... But I'm still clinging to the promise of publication in April. They came through with my last book order for my February event. And he knows how dire the need is to get WINDY HOLLOW into print for my next book fair at the end of the month. Keep praying and crossing fingers! So close!

I also updated the BOOK TRAILER! with the new cover... 
Give it a look and a like, if you have a chance!

(Follow my Youtube Channel!)


After a chilly winter, I was ready to get out there!

Hopewell Junior High
I had a blast giving four presentations to some animated 7th & 8th graders.
I even made some new fans!

Mason High School Chronicle
I was so honored to have one of my former students ask to interview me for the school newspaper.
Here's a link to the full article. She did a fantastic job!

 And I had to do a few test shots...
Then, one of my current students asked to do an article for our Badin HS paper!

These events made me feel special at a time I was feeling pretty low
about my publisher and writing in general. God takes care of us!


Where I answer commonly asked questions and pass on writerly advice... My favorite, inquisitive fan on Goodreads has asked me many awesome questions, and I get to share them with you!

BookwormNerd: Besides your own books, what do you love to read?

Answer: I love reading sci fi, fantasy, and thrillers. But I've met some great authors who've broadened my scope and keep me reading their books (even a little romance, which is not my go-to genre!) My favorite authors are Michael Crichton, Piers Anthony, and Janet Evanovich, plus many more.


What I'm Reading...
  • I recently finished OF GODS AND SORROW by Christine Rains Book Two in her Demonic Sorrow series. High tension story with a thrilling, cliff-hanger conclusion!
  • I'm still steadily reading SHADOW WARRIOR, the Mechanica Wars Book 2 by Jay Noel
What I'm Writing...
  • FARTHER ALONG - I've decided to try to read it through once more and toss it to my critique partners. I'm really struggling to beef it up. Worry drains the creative juices...
  • GERTRUDE (the Nerdy Princess) UnPrincess novella #4 - I'm stalled on this one too. But I've incorporated the help of my DAD to help with the illustrations. I know seeing his drawings will totally inspire me to get it done and published myself!
  • Way in the future, the 4th POP TRAVEL novel is parked in the loading zone. I also have to spin it as a new novel in the event I start searching to publish elsewhere... maybe the universe is telling me something...
  • I also hope to rejuvenate Beast World book 4 and spin it into a 3 book series starring Gabe's genius little sister Ginny. Never a shortage of adventures!
Where I'll be...
  • April 16? - WINDY HOLLOW Release!! (been here before, let's hope it sticks this time!)
  • April 27 - Ohioana in Columbus, OH. Great go-to event. They're holding it in the main library this year. And I will be on a panel again -- love doing author panels! Should be interesting... Things are always changing!
May & June
  • I'll be in the stands, watching my youngest play ball. And hopefully writing. I get tons done in those long innings and type it up in the hotel rooms... Ah, the life of a baseball mom--I love it!
  • I also plan to visit some friends on the road -- some writers and some not. Summer break will be a blast!


If you like to read, tweet, and help others--I'd love to have you join my STREET TEAM! I treat my team to sneak peeks, and special swag for offering their services and time.

Please fill out this FORM if you're interested.




Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Looking Forward

Time for a Spoonful of Sugar

You never know where the twists and turns of the ever unpredictable journey of life will take you. We just have to deal with what comes around the next bend, keep looking for the positives, and move on. I first found out life doesn't always go as planned when my fiance and I broke up in college--it was a devastating time. But I lived and things worked out. If I hadn't gone through that sorrow, I never would've lived on my own and had crazy adventures with so many new friends who eventually led me to become a writer and somehow get published! (and have a happy family too!)

Now, I have been thrown another curve ball. I mentioned this before, but my publisher is deciding where it is heading--up or out. I've seen many a small publisher thrive, then dive. And authors are the ones who suffer the most. I still believe I can squeak out Windy Hollow as promised. But the fate of my 6 books and any future books will most likely be on hold for a time as I figure out what to do next. Looks like it's back to querying for me! Starting over isn't fun--but sometimes it must be done!

And don't worry, I'll keep you informed. A writer's got to write!

scheduled for release:

Still waiting on that Cover...


Follow my Youtube Channel!

*** I can always use reviewers. ***
Let me know if you're interested and I'll send you an e-copy.
And if you'd like to review any of my books, 
I'd be happy to mail you a print version--
plus some swag!


Fall had me moving and grooving!

West Virginia Book Festival
So happy to see my wonderful friend and fellow author/really real housewife
Elizabeth Seckman!

Small Business Shopping Fair
A local event--just in time for Christmas sales!
No pics at the event, but I made some special ornaments to give away with my books--
they were a big hit!

I know Christmas is over, but if you'd like one for next year, just ask!


Where I answer commonly asked questions and pass on writerly advice... Lately, I have a new fan on Goodreads who's been filling my in-box with awesome questions. I love it! Now, I get to share them with you. The first is my favorite and a multi-question. This section just got more interesting!

BookwormNerdHello Ms. Tyler. I think you are so cool! YOUR BOOKS ARE AMAZING!!! What is your writing process? What is your favorite thing to do, when not writing? What is your favorite color? How did you develop you characters, like Cooper is "Pop Travel" Thank you for your time, you rock!!!

Answer: Thank you for your questions, you are very sweet!
My writing process -- I get a general idea, then I outline a rough plot, then I write a first draft and keep adding details until it's ready to send to my readers who help me polish it.
Favorite thing to do besides writing -- playing card and board games with my family =)
Favorite color -- purple
My main characters are usually a mixture of people I know, characters from books and movies, and a little bit of myself. As the stories progress, they come alive, and I discover more about them than I realized!


What I'm Reading...
  • One of my favorite authors, Christine Rains, recently released, OF GODS AND SORROW, book two in her Demonic Sorrow series. Demons rule!
  • Don't know why I kid myself that I can read two books at once, but I love escaping to different worlds... steadily reading SHADOW WARRIOR, the Mechanica Wars Book 2 by Jay Noel
What I'm Writing...
  • FARTHER ALONG - Still chugging away. As I mentioned, life has been forcing me to pay more attention to it and less on my writing... but I won't give up!
  • GERTRUDE (the Nerdy Princess) UnPrincess novella #4 - I've actually just about finished the rough draft for this, as I've been subbing more--giving me time to write in snippets at school.
  • The 4th POP TRAVEL novel - I'm halfway through this draft as well. Writing in notebooks is easy during a movie I have to watch six times (sub-life) So many twists and turns, I love this series!
  • Crazy as it sounds, an outline for the next BEAST WORLD has taken shape--this one focuses on Ginny and a new daring friend with a sordid past...
Where I'll be...
  • At home--settling into our new place, still trying to sell the old one. Wish us luck!
  • January 29 - WINDY HOLLOW Release!!
  • February 14 - 7:30-11:30 Author Presentation at Hopewell Junior High School. Life put me in as a sub for the most enthusiastic language arts teacher who was looking for an author to speak at her school. Right place, right time. So looking forward to this talk!
  • February 15/16 - WINDY HOLLOW Release Party. Time & Location TBD. Half Price Books or a coffee shop are tops on the list. Coordinating with my presentation!
  • Spring Break looks promising for an event in Georgia. But I'm okay with taking a breather as I look ahead to Summer events.

Wrap up in a cute poncho
(like this one I got from my son's sweet girlfriend-I love her!)
and a cozy story this winter!


If you like to read, tweet, and help others--join my STREET TEAM!
I treat my team for offering their services and time to sneak peeks, and special swag.
Please fill out this FORM if you're interested.
