Patience Pays Off
Beast World - Book 3
I also updated the BOOK TRAILER! with the new cover...
Give it a look and a like, if you have a chance!
Beast World - Book 3
The saga of publishing my 6th book... and beyond!
I am so excited to finally have a magnificent cover for WINDY HOLLOW! It's been so hard waiting to hear from my publisher. They have downsized and are changing their business model (not great phrases to hear) Each time they finally respond, I get my hopes up, then they fall again when weeks go by with no news or progress updates. I've had to hound them. I eventually had to pay for the cover myself--but it was worth it to keep the same talented artist (Ricky Gunawan) from the first two books. This also shows you what shape my publisher is in... But I'm still clinging to the promise of publication in April. They came through with my last book order for my February event. And he knows how dire the need is to get WINDY HOLLOW into print for my next book fair at the end of the month. Keep praying and crossing fingers! So close!
I am so excited to finally have a magnificent cover for WINDY HOLLOW! It's been so hard waiting to hear from my publisher. They have downsized and are changing their business model (not great phrases to hear) Each time they finally respond, I get my hopes up, then they fall again when weeks go by with no news or progress updates. I've had to hound them. I eventually had to pay for the cover myself--but it was worth it to keep the same talented artist (Ricky Gunawan) from the first two books. This also shows you what shape my publisher is in... But I'm still clinging to the promise of publication in April. They came through with my last book order for my February event. And he knows how dire the need is to get WINDY HOLLOW into print for my next book fair at the end of the month. Keep praying and crossing fingers! So close!
I also updated the BOOK TRAILER! with the new cover...
Give it a look and a like, if you have a chance!
After a chilly winter, I was ready to get out there!
Hopewell Junior High
I had a blast giving four presentations to some animated 7th & 8th graders.
I even made some new fans!
Mason High School Chronicle
I was so honored to have one of my former students ask to interview me for the school newspaper.
Here's a link to the full article. She did a fantastic job!
Then, one of my current students asked to do an article for our Badin HS paper!
These events made me feel special at a time I was feeling pretty low
about my publisher and writing in general. God takes care of us!
After a chilly winter, I was ready to get out there!
Hopewell Junior High
I had a blast giving four presentations to some animated 7th & 8th graders.
I even made some new fans!
I was so honored to have one of my former students ask to interview me for the school newspaper.
Here's a link to the full article. She did a fantastic job!
And I had to do a few test shots... |
These events made me feel special at a time I was feeling pretty low
about my publisher and writing in general. God takes care of us!
Where I answer commonly asked questions and pass on writerly advice... My favorite, inquisitive fan on Goodreads has asked me many awesome questions, and I get to share them with you!
BookwormNerd: Besides your own books, what do you love to read?
Answer: I love reading sci fi, fantasy, and thrillers. But I've met some great authors who've broadened my scope and keep me reading their books (even a little romance, which is not my go-to genre!) My favorite authors are Michael Crichton, Piers Anthony, and Janet Evanovich, plus many more.
BookwormNerd: Besides your own books, what do you love to read?
Answer: I love reading sci fi, fantasy, and thrillers. But I've met some great authors who've broadened my scope and keep me reading their books (even a little romance, which is not my go-to genre!) My favorite authors are Michael Crichton, Piers Anthony, and Janet Evanovich, plus many more.

- I recently finished OF GODS AND SORROW by Christine Rains Book Two in her Demonic Sorrow series. High tension story with a thrilling, cliff-hanger conclusion!
- I'm still steadily reading SHADOW WARRIOR, the Mechanica Wars Book 2 by Jay Noel
What I'm Writing...
- FARTHER ALONG - I've decided to try to read it through once more and toss it to my critique partners. I'm really struggling to beef it up. Worry drains the creative juices...
- GERTRUDE (the Nerdy Princess) UnPrincess novella #4 - I'm stalled on this one too. But I've incorporated the help of my DAD to help with the illustrations. I know seeing his drawings will totally inspire me to get it done and published myself!
- Way in the future, the 4th POP TRAVEL novel is parked in the loading zone. I also have to spin it as a new novel in the event I start searching to publish elsewhere... maybe the universe is telling me something...
- I also hope to rejuvenate Beast World book 4 and spin it into a 3 book series starring Gabe's genius little sister Ginny. Never a shortage of adventures!
Where I'll be...
- April 16? - WINDY HOLLOW Release!! (been here before, let's hope it sticks this time!)
- April 27 - Ohioana in Columbus, OH. Great go-to event. They're holding it in the main library this year. And I will be on a panel again -- love doing author panels! Should be interesting... Things are always changing!
May & June
- I'll be in the stands, watching my youngest play ball. And hopefully writing. I get tons done in those long innings and type it up in the hotel rooms... Ah, the life of a baseball mom--I love it!
- I also plan to visit some friends on the road -- some writers and some not. Summer break will be a blast!

If you like to read, tweet, and help others--I'd love to have you join my STREET TEAM! I treat my team to sneak peeks, and special swag for offering their services and time.
Please fill out this FORM if you're interested.