It could be because of the double 20's, or maybe the great time we had over the holidays (hope you did too!), but I think it's mainly because I have some great things going on and coming up!
First off, I just re-published
Check out the side binding!
Now I'm on to Cradle Rock, and then a few tweaks on Windy Hollow, now that I've got the process down. All these should be ready in time for the upcoming movie release of Disney/Pixar's Onward. I've alluded to this in previous posts, and now I'm ready to jump onto its coattails. I created the ORIGINAL Beast World concept of fantasy creatures in high school (suburbia) so if you like this movie, you'll love my stories!
Many writers have seen their concepts, stories, or characters they've created from their own experiences, hard work, painstaking years of blood, sweat, and tears magically appear on a big screen written by someone else or in someone else's best-selling publication. It happens all the time as there is nothing new is under the sun. BUT the similarities here are too glaring. It's too much to take without saying something. I have to try and be heard. I will emulate my characters and give it my best shot!! And I can use all the help I can get!
I'm putting together a team! This is a continuation of the my summer campaign to get the word out about Beast World. Volunteers can do as little or as much as you like. If you'd like to join, here's the FORM. And as always, there are prizes!
I had 2 awesome events last Fall!
First was the "Gratitude Crop" - a scrapbooking and vendor event.
Lots of cool scrapbooking ideas and creative minds. And I sold a few books too!
I also participated in an AUTHOR EXPO on a ladies' night of shopping
in the quaintest little bookstore of the most adorable downtown ever!
So many cute shops and eateries.
The Mulberry Street bookstore and cafe is my new favorite place.
It was jam-packed with patrons from the event's open to close on a chilly eve.
A smashing success for all 20 authors!
I had 2 awesome events last Fall!
First was the "Gratitude Crop" - a scrapbooking and vendor event.
Lots of cool scrapbooking ideas and creative minds. And I sold a few books too!
I also participated in an AUTHOR EXPO on a ladies' night of shopping
in the quaintest little bookstore of the most adorable downtown ever!
So many cute shops and eateries.
The Mulberry Street bookstore and cafe is my new favorite place.
It was jam-packed with patrons from the event's open to close on a chilly eve.
A smashing success for all 20 authors!
Where I answer commonly asked questions and pass on writerly advice... lately, sharing questions from one of my sweetest fans on Goodreads, she's awesome!
BookwormNerd: What is one book you love that others do not?
Answer: That was a tough one. Many times, I go against the crowd. Like I was not a big fan of the Twilight series and definitely did not like Fifty Shades of Grey, both of which were very popular. I like a lot of science-fiction and fantasy, and that’s not always popular with others, but it definitely has a big following...
My Thoughts: I love that most books have a fan base. Everyone is different and likes different things. And if you want to be a writer, no matter what you write, there will be readers who love your books!
BookwormNerd: What is one book you love that others do not?
Answer: That was a tough one. Many times, I go against the crowd. Like I was not a big fan of the Twilight series and definitely did not like Fifty Shades of Grey, both of which were very popular. I like a lot of science-fiction and fantasy, and that’s not always popular with others, but it definitely has a big following...
My Thoughts: I love that most books have a fan base. Everyone is different and likes different things. And if you want to be a writer, no matter what you write, there will be readers who love your books!

- In 2020, I want to read more! While I edit my books, I'm going to catch up on my TBR list...
- Plus, here's the latest in one of my friends' romance series...MAGUIRE'S CORNER, book 3
AND THEN YOU FALL by Heather M Gardner
I'm not usually a romance reader, but these books are action-packed murder mysteries with some intense drama, plus the steamy stuff...
What I'm Writing...
- Next up for re-publish is CRADLE ROCK & WINDY HOLLOW
- Then SIMULATION & DISPOSAL as I work on CONDUCTION, the 4th POP TRAVEL novel - stolen tech, murder, and of course, pop traveling all over creation!
- GERTRUDE (the Nerdy Princess) UnPrincess novella #4 is ready for typing. Still hoping for a February release. Different is beautiful!
- BEAST WORLD #4 is still waiting in the forest... Gabe's sister Ginny is ready for high school!
Where I'll be...
- No events in this chilly month. Staying inside is good for writing, editing, and planning!
- Hoping to get down to North Carolina to visit my son and plan an event!
- Will be in the midst of the Taking Back BEAST WORLD campaign, getting ready for the release of Onward... Might have to stage a protest at a movie theater!

- Looking forward to the response of my BEAST WORLD campaign. Wish me luck!
- And Spring Events coming up!
Seems like just yesterday everyone was saying,
Winter is coming -- and now it's upon us!
Make your 2020 Bright and Shiny!

You're invited!
When I started this weekly twitter chat over the summer, I was just hoping to rant about my writerly woes with other writer friends. I never expected it to keep going! It's now a regular release, so nice to chat about whatever comes to mind with other writers and artists.
The #WEDWRANT -- is a way for us to get together not only to rant, but to encourage and have a few laughs. There's a regular group of us, and we welcome anyone who'd like to join in!
If you like to read, tweet, and help others--join my STREET TEAM! I treat my team for offering their services and time to sneak peeks, and special swag. Please fill out this FORM if you're interested.
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