Thursday, December 1, 2016

Welcome back to the forest...

Wanted to give you a quick post to let you know...

CRADLE ROCK is now available!

And I'm giving away lots of prizes to celebrate!

CRADLE ROCK by Tara Tyler
Book Two in the Beast World series

Gabe the goblin just saved his town Broken Branch Falls from splitting apart. He also revealed that humans--horrible creatures of myth and legend--may actually be part of their history! But seriously? Nah!

Now Ona, Gabe’s girlfriend, is headed thousands of miles away to Camp Cradle Rock for Spring Break seeking evidence of humans. Gabe knows better than to tell a stubborn ogress she’s crazy, so he’s letting her go and spending the break at the beach like a normal teenage beast. And he’s determined to have a good time without her, whether he likes it or not.

But when Ona goes missing, Gabe and his friends set out for the wilds of the west to find her, no matter what dangerous creatures get in his way. Not even humans.

Check out the Book Trailer!

So many exciting Cradle Rock Release events, virtually and IRL!

  • If you live in the Cincinnati area, I'll be signing at TWO EVENTS!
RELEASE PARTY at Panera Bread!!
DEC 5, 2016 ~ 5 - 9pm

sponsored by MMS PTO
DEC 10, 2016
at Waterstone Barnes & Noble 
  • In addition to giving away cool swag and prizes at these events, I'm also running a Rafflecopter giveaway for: signed copies of Broken Branch Falls and Cradle Rock, some Beast World swag, and a $20 GC! I love giving stuff away =)

But that's not all!
  • My super duper publisher, Curiosity Quills has another giveaway on Goodreads!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Cradle Rock by Tara Tyler

Cradle Rock

by Tara Tyler

Giveaway ends January 01, 2017.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway
Good luck! Would love to see you at one of the events!
Happy Holidays!!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Fall into a good book

CRADLE ROCK is almost here!!
Release Date: December 1!

I have so many blog tour articles to write! And I want to thank my blog tour hosts for helping me spread the word all December long! (Schedule coming soon or visit my blog where I'll be updating it)

And the LIVE RELEASE PARTY will be December 1, 2016 at Panera Bread in my hometown! Deerfield Towne Center, 5095 Deerfield Blvd, Mason, OH


This summer, I finally got out of the house and did some awesome events - here are a few pics!


Got to see my bookfest buddy - ELIZABETH SECKMAN in Ackron, OH
for the Author Expo
Joined forces with my buddy TERRI-LYNNE SMILES and her small press
Plot Forge at FANDOMFEST in Louisville!

Yes! Saw Jason Priestly, Anthony Michael Hall, and the infamous Stan Lee!

Cool Star Wars displays!

great costumes!
Pokemon Go! (Pikachu made of balloons and it did Go!)
I had a blast this summer! Now I've taken a break for the beginning of school and football - but raring to do a bunch of events coming up this Fall!

The curtain has fallen
THE THING THAT TURNED ME anthology is no more. Unfortunately, our ambitious publishing partner has undergone many personal and physical setbacks and after such a long time with many delays and no updates, several authors have pulled out and the whole thing fizzled. But we have these great stories and want to share them, so we are not giving up - we are re-organizing and working together to come up with our own solution!

October ~ November ~ December

October - Storytime
I'm always working on a short story. The last one I wrote for The Storytime Blog Hop, a modern day Alice, turned out to be too long so I submitted it to another anthology instead! I'm trying again with a fun YA paranormal thriller about a family whose legendary curse is resurfacing with a vengeance (reminiscent of Buffy with some interesting twists!) We'll see if I can get it done as I'm also doing...

November - Insecure Writer's Support Group Anthology
I love my UNCONVENTIONAL PRINCESS series and am working on not just 1, but 2 stories. A series isn't a series unless there are more books in it! I started working on the second novella (Two Princesses) and had the idea for the third waiting its turn until the theme for the IWSG anthology came up - Unsung Heroes in Fantasy - and Princess B is perfect for it. But the deadline is Nov 1! I really hope I can get it done in time (and polished enough to be accepted). It's a big anthology! And this story will touch your heart...

Princess B

Brianna is the man of the house now that her big brother is gone. She takes care of her sis while Mom works, protects them both in a not so nice neighborhood, and stands tall when she'd rather fly away to a fantasy land from her books. She's pretty tough for twelve, but she shouldn't have to fight and defend herself all alone in a cruel world - and that's when a magical friend steps in with fiery encouragement.

December - CRADLE ROCK Release!

I had a great cover reveal, now on to the blog tour release party! I have some great article ideas brewing, gotta start early. If you'd like to join my release train in December, here's the FORM. Everyone who participates gets put into a drawing for a $25 GC!

What I'm Reading...
  • I love that I get to beta read for my awesome, talented CPs!
    • Unseen by Vikki Biram - This one is an incredible YA thriller from the perspective of a blind heroine!
    • Totem series by Christine Rains - Shapeshifting sisters in Alaska! With intense relationships and suspenseful, action packed stories - and don't forget the hunky co-stars!
  • Foreseen by Terri-Lynn Smiles - messing with your mind!

What I'm Writing...
  • DISPOSAL - Pop Travel, Book Three - Edits underway. I hope to submit it to my publisher by November.
  • Short stories/Anthology submissions - hard to keep them all straight or find time to finish them!
  • WHEN THE WIND BLOWS - Beast World, Book Three. Working on the rough draft, hope to have it done before the end of the year and start typing it up!
  • TWO PRINCESSES - Unconventional Princess series, book 2. Coming along nicely. Has A Midsummer Night's Dream feel.

Where I'll be...
  • October 1! -  SCI-FI CENTRAL in Ft Wayne, IN. I'm very excited I found this event! It takes place at a children's museum and apparently has a huge turnout. Plus I'm one of only 8 vendors! Should be awesome!
  • October 7, 8 - BOOKFEST at OPERATION PUMPKIN in Hamilton, OH. I go to Bookfest at Icefest sponsored by the same folks every other year, and in this off year, they are hosting a new event in the Fall. Communication has been spotty, but I still hope to attend if we can uncross our wires! Plus my sweet Ohio friend, Julie Flanders will be there and she has a new MG book out!
  • October 29 - WEST VIRGINIA BOOK FESTIVAL in Charleston, WV. I'm looking forward to this event because it's supposed to be really big AND I get to spend time with my first book event buddies and co-Housewives, Elizabeth Seckman and Ashley Chappell!
  • In this month before my release, I'll be planning and writing, writing, writing! 
  • Plus I'm meeting my family in Disney for Thanksgiving to celebrate my parents' 50th Wedding Anniversary!!
  • December 1! - CRADLE ROCK RELEASE PARTY! at Panera Bread in Mason, OH. So ecstatic to get this baby out there!
  • December 17 - HALF PRICE BOOKS in Mason, OH - I'm doing a signing, just in time for Christmas!

Happy FALL! My favorite season!
May your lives and your leaves be colorful and bright!

Remember, if you have a question about writing or publishing, let me know.
I'm also available for SCHOOL, BOOK CLUBS, or EVENT BOOK TALKS


Monday, July 4, 2016

Seeing the Light

Sometimes the goal seems too far away.
So much time and so little to do! Strike that. Reverse it. Lots of things going on... but it seems to be taking forever to finish them. Probably because I'm working on too many things at once. Well, I finished this newsletter post, so I can check that off!


It's three years old this month. And to celebrate we're having a

For two days only, July 6 & 7 POP TRAVEL will be FREE!
I'm also hosting a GIVEAWAY!

"Stop the Presses!"
This has been shouted several times in our efforts to publish THE THING THAT TURNED ME anthology. As the turmoils of life and unexpected happenstances inevitably arise, we have pushed our release to August 5. Whatta ya gonna do? Trust me, it's worth the wait!

And here are a few teaser videos to prove it!

July ~ August ~ September

July - Storytellers
I'm working on a short story to enter in this blog hop - trying to decide between a modern day Alice or robot teachers... Need to stay sharp with these writing exercises!

September - Cover Reveal!
I'm so excited about CRADLE ROCK's cover and I can't wait to show you all in September! Plus there will be plenty of goodies to giveaway. Look for details at my blog.

Welcome to the forest.

Gabe and his girlfriend Ona are headed in opposite directions for Spring Break. Being a logical goblin, Gabe tries to talk her out of it, but there's just no reasoning with a stubborn ogress, and Ona is determined to dig up evidence of humans.

But when Ona goes missing, Gabe and his friends fly to Cradle Rock to search for her and discover a village of trouble, igniting an age old war. His physical skills may be lacking, but Gabe won't give up. With the help of his diverse group of friends, he will find a way to save his girl and maybe all beastkind. Humans, bah!

What I'm Reading...

What I'm Writing...
  • DISPOSAL - Pop Travel, Book Three - DONE! with the first draft anyway. Once I get through a couple rounds of edits, it'll be ready for my CPs. I can't wait to hear what they have to say!
  • Short story ideas are bursting - trying to finish a couple to submit.
  • WHEN THE WIND BLOWS - Beast World, Book Three. So ready to start the rough draft!

Where I'll be...
  • July 23 -  OHIO READERS & WRITERS EXPO in Akron, OH. This one is new, but I'm giving it a shot... It will be a nice book event between the "Cons!" Plus, I'll be on a author panel and attending with my bookfest buddy, Elizabeth Seckman.
  • July 29-31 - FANDOMFEST in Louisville, KY. This is going to be BIG! I'm going with my cool cohort in crime, Terri-Lynne Smiles - and guests include STAN LEE and JASON PRIESTLY!! Killer!
  • School starts early, football is in full swing, and I have a job to do! No fests for me!
  • I have 4 events in the Fall, so I'll be getting ready for them this month, along with my CRADLE ROCK cover reveal and then the Blog Tour in December - lots coming up!

Happy Independence Day!
May your long summer days be filled with happiness
and positive vibes!

And if you have a question about writing or publishing, let me know.
 I'm thinking of adding a section to give advice!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Finally, some ACTION!

I did it!
I took the leap into self-publishing with my new Unconventional Princesses series, starting with JOLISSA - An Anti-Princess Story!
And for the month of April, I'm hosting a Giveaway for it, HERE!

Another exciting first - POP TRAVEL is now a screenplay and I've submitted it to some prestigious contests. Hope to hear from them in the coming months! (I also sent it to Chris Pratt's agent, you never know!)

Also coming up this quarter - THE THING THAT TURNED ME anthology will be Released MAY 31!

I'm doing a special post on my blog with teaser blurbs from all the authors and their stories on APRIL 18.

April ~ May ~ June

April - Blogging from A to Z Challenge!
We at THE REALLY REAL HOUSEWIVES are participating in the A to Z challenge this year. Our theme is A to Z Around the House, of course! We will share our domestic tips, advice, and silliness alphabetically!

Coming Soon!
I put off the publication of CRADLE ROCK in search of an agent to help reach more readers... so it will be released DECEMBER 2016. And I'm planning some SCHOOL VISITS this fall to spread the word!

Welcome to the forest.

Gabe the goblin and his girlfriend Ona the ogress are headed in opposite directions for Spring Break. Ona is taking an expedition to Camp Cradle Rock hoping to find evidence of humans, but Gabe thinks she's wasting her time so he's grudgingly giving her the space she wants.

Soon after arriving, Ona goes missing. Gabe and his friends race to find her and discover a village of trouble, igniting an age old war. Though his wilderness skills are lacking, Gabe won't give up. He will find a way to save his girl and possibly all beastkind. Humans, bah!

What I'm Reading...

What I'm Writing...
  • DISPOSAL - Pop Travel, Book Three - I'm up to 30k and fitting in more words as often as possible. I can't wait to give it to my CPs!
  • I put several of my short stories on WATTPAD.
  • I continue to submit short stories and poetry to online e-zines.
  • As for WHEN THE WIND BLOWS - Beast World, Book Three, outline is done and I hope to write up a rough draft this summer.

Where I'll be...
  • April 24 - OHIOANA in Columbus. My first and favorite event. We've been growing and getting more successful together each year!
  • May 7 - CONATRON in Somerset, KY. Still debating. I love CONS, but this one is new and the last time I did a newbie Con, I didn't fare so well... Books can go either way in a smaller CON. Will let you know...
  • June 10-12 - SCI FI VALLEY CON in Altoona, PA. This Con is established and I've wanted to go for a while. My son will come with me and we'll visit grandma who lives nearby. Very excited about it!
Yay for SPRING!
I always feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle new projects this time of year.
As nature starts blooming - so do the ideas!

Monday, January 4, 2016

There's something to be said for being SHORT!

Short Stories and Anthologies...
I've been busy writing short stories and submitting them to contests and anthologies. Here's a little about them.
"Steampunk City Christmas" | Art by jjpeabody. Used with permission.
My short story, SUPER CHRISTMAS won 2nd place and was published in AREA OF EFFECT at GEEKDOM HOUSE!

Super excited about all the people contributing. My turning point story is a lite apocalyptic romance - it's boy meets girl plus loads of action and humor...

January ~ February ~ March

I've recently joined forces with two blogger friends to help other women make it through tomorrow! We are THE REALLY REAL HOUSEWIVES offering tips, recipes, advice, and stress release. Check us out!

The first chapter of my video storybook, complete with illustrations and songs  is updated on YouTube. JOLISSA - Chapter One, The Trouble with Princesses. Chapter Two, The Tourney is in the works with another song!

Jolissa doesn't believe in Once upon a time or Happily ever after. She'll curtsy to your face and stick her tongue out behind your back. Her only friend is her dog Ziggy and she even kicks him when her plan to make a better life goes terribly wrong. Knowing Ziggy really is her only friend, she follows his trail with help from a couple of other losers to the dangerous castle of the evil wizard Cree. Well, Cree better watch out if he tries to get between Jolissa and her precious pup.

Coming Soon!
CRADLE ROCK will be released this summer. Looking forward to seeing the cover!

Welcome to the forest.

Gabe the goblin and his girlfriend Ona the ogress are headed in opposite directions for Spring Break. Ona is taking an expedition to Camp Cradle Rock hoping to find evidence of humans, but Gabe thinks she's wasting her time so he's grudgingly giving her the space she wants.

Soon after arriving, Ona goes missing. Gabe and his friends race to find her and discover a village of trouble, igniting an age old war. Though his wilderness skills are lacking, Gabe won't give up. He will find a way to save his girl and possibly all beastkind. Humans, bah!

What I'm Reading...

What I'm Writing...
  • DISPOSAL - Pop Travel, Book Three - I got 11k done in December and am ready to get back to it! Cooper's nephew Jimmy meets a tough beauty and gets into some deep doo doo.
  • On the back burner, I'm simmering a screenplay of Pop Travel. It's harder than you'd think.
  • I'm still up for putting a couple of stories on WATTPAD... if I ever get around to it.
  • And then there's WHEN THE WIND BLOWS - Beast World, Book Three.

Where I'll be...
January & February
  • Too cold! Staying inside where it's warm!
  • Looking to set up something for Spring Break. Hmm...

May you successfully meet all your resolutions, or at least give them a solid try!